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Bradford Inaugurals Lecture Series

The Bradford Inaugurals Lecture series celebrates the promotion of our academics to the position of Professor. This is one of the highest achievements in an academics career; it is a recognition from the University that the academic concerned is operating at the highest level in their field. As such, the promotion is one worthy of celebration by both the academic and the University. The inaugural lecture is a centuries-old tradition; a transition point in the career of an academic, recognising leadership in their chosen field. An inaugural lecture is, therefore, a key milestone in any academic’s career, signifying their promotion to ’Professor’.

Upcoming Bradford Inaugural Lectures

Karina Croucher - What's the point of the past?

This Bradford Inaugural Lecture is to celebrate Karina Croucher's promotion to the position of Professor. Karina's inaugural lecture will address themes such as dealing with death, memorialisation, identity and place.

Register for the 'What's the point of the past?' event.

A portrait of Professor Karina Croucher.

A Journey through Educational Change: An Intrepid Adventure - with Professor Simon Tweddell

This Bradford Inaugural Lecture is to celebrate Simon Tweddell's promotion to the position of Professor. Simon's inaugural lecture will discuss his motivators, his memories, and his mentors along the journey as he's tried to inspire educational change within Higher Education

Click here for event details

A portrait of Simon Tweddell

Professor Simon Tweddell

Previous Bradford Inaugural Lectures

Profile picture of Karina Croucher

Karina Croucher

Professor in Archaeology TBC