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Citing Special Collections documents

Accurate citation of research materials demonstrates the quality of your research and allows others to trace your sources. It also ensures you avoid plagiarism. You will need to follow the referencing style required by your faculty, university or publisher.

Books, journals and other published materials in Special Collections are cited in the same way as other published materials: their location in Special Collections is not relevant to the citation.

However the location of an archival document in a collection and an institution is an intrinsic part of its intellectual value and essential to ensure accurate citation. When citing our archives, please make sure you include the information included for this example.

  • Detail of the institution: University of Bradford, JB Priestley Library, Special Collections.
  • Full archive reference: PRI 13/1.
  • Description: Letter from J.B. Priestley to Amy Priestley, his step-mother, 5 January 1928.

The order and layout of this information in your citation will depend on the referencing style you are using.