Module code: BIS6026-D
The Biomedical Science Research Project is an individual programme of supervised research in which the learner, in consultation with their supervisor, designs and carries out experiments, analyses data, presents findings and critically evaluates results and published literature. These skills enable the learner to become autonomous while working on a unique, cutting-edge research project in a biomedical science field. This module supports the programme through acquisition of coherent and detailed knowledge in a research-led project (PLO11). It also enables learners to demonstrate their ability to manage autonomous learning and make use of scholarly reviews and primary sources to devise and sustain arguments (PLO12-13). This capstone project module will build on prior learning to develop research design skills, through the planning and execution of hypothesis-based research and scientific writing. This module will support those students seeking knowledge to assist their employment in any laboratory-based employment (e.g. NHS, public health laboratories, research and development laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, food and water industry, veterinary laboratories, forensic science). The skills will also facilitate learner transition to other higher education programmes. Learners are encouraged to self-reflect on enterprise, entrepreneurship and employability skills throughout the module, giving them specific examples to be used in job applications and/ or interviews. . Download the PDF for BIS6026-D_2024_5.pdf