Professor Eva Kipnis joined the University of Bradford from
the University of Sheffield. She holds a PhD in
Marketing, for which she received a Best Thesis Award, and a MSc in
International Marketing. Her research expertise interests culture-informed
consumer behaviour and cultural meanings conveyed by brands, Diversity and
Inclusion Engaged Marketing in multicultural marketplaces, Transformative
Consumer Research and the development and deployment of socially-inclusive
technologies in product and service innovations. Eva’s work regularly features
in recognized journals, such as the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of
Public Policy and Marketing, Marketing Theory, Consumption, Markets &
Culture, Journal of Macromarketing, edited
collections and books and international conferences. An active contributor to the Transformative Consumer Research movement since 2011, Eva currently serves on the advisory committee for the Transformative Consumer Research and will co-chair the 2023 Transformative Consumer Research conference. She mentored and supervised to graduation several doctoral students in her areas of research interest and expertise and welcomes interest from prospective doctoral candidates. From September 2023, Eva also hold the role of the School of Management Director for Postgraduate Research.
The impact of Eva's work on the social impacts of marketing activity, particularly in the area of multicultural inclusion and marketplace wellbeing, is recognised by the 2021 Women in Marketing Award in Marketing Scientist category which she received with an international team of collaborators forming a Multicultural Marketplaces research network she co-founded. She continues to co-chair the network, with the most recent project including Diversity and Inclusion Engaged Marketing (DIEM) Initiative – a collaborative platform bringing together researchers, industry and policy practitioners and educators working to advance Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in marketing discipline and actions. The initiative is supported by multiple funders including the Association for Consumer Research (USA), the University of Leicester ESRC Impact Accelerator, and IESEG School of Management (France). Across her academic career, Professor Kipnis secured and co-investigated research projects with a total value of over £2.2 million.
In teaching area of her academic practice, Eva brings her previous experience of a marketing practitioner where she worked with international brands across multiple industries to her philosophy of engaging non-academic stakeholders for developing research and education innovations. She led the development and delivery of several teaching and
training programmes and components, including international schools for doctoral and early
career researchers and innovative modules and sessions for undergraduate and
Masters students, such as Global/International/Multicultural Branding and Marketing, Marketing and
Social Inclusion, Advertising Psychology and Research Methods. She also supervises Masters and Executive MBA projects.