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Experience days for Year 11, Post 16 and Access to Higher Education

Our Higher Education Experience Days for Year 11, Post 16 and Access to HE students can provide an insight into university study, student life, and career progression. We can accommodate groups with a minimum of 15 students, and a maximum of 60.

The full day programme consists of an campus tour, one of the below workshops, and a subject specific activity. 

The visit will be facilitated by our Outreach and Recruitment Team and include involvement from our current students and lecturers.


Workshop Year 11

Year 12

(or equivalent)

Year 13

(or equivalent)

Access to HE
Choosing Post 16 Options

Strategic Thinking

Truth & Myths

Why Uni? Why HE?

University Bingo

A-Z Course Activity

Patient Journey

Girls into Engineering/STEM

Diversity in Healthcare

Management, Law and Social Sciences Talk

Life Sciences Talk

Engineering and Digital Technologies Talk

Personal Statement


Student Finance


Student Life



Why Choose Bradford?


Meet the professional





Choosing the right course and University



Foundation Programme


What Next/Plan B/Gets Results Ready


Selecting firm and insurance choices


Interview Skills (with task)


Making the most of an Open Day/Experience Day


Making the most of Summer/Gaining work experience




Moving away from home



Example schedule

Time Activity
09:15 - 09:45 Arrival, Registration and Welcome
09:45 - 10:30 Outreach and Recruitment Workshop
10:30 - 11:30

Campus* Tour

11:30 - 12:15 LUNCH (school/college to provide)
12:30 - 13:30 Academic Session 1/2**
13:30 - 14:30 Academic Session 2/1**

* The tour will take your students around the main outside areas of the campus and its buildings, along with a look in our Student Central which is home to the Library and Students Union.

** Some subject specific sessions take longer than one hour. In this case programmes will include only one of these. Session lengths can be found on the booking form.

Booking information

Minimum Number: 15 Students
Maximum Number: 60 Students

To enable us to offer your students the best experience, we require bookings to be made with a minimum of six weeks notice. We offer a range of dates throughout the year which can be found here: 2024/2025 Date Availability

If you wish to request a visit, please complete our booking form.

If you would like to speak to us about your requirements prior to completing the form, please email [email protected] 

Book a session

Request a visit by clicking the button below.

We will aim to be in touch within seven working days to acknowledge your request.