Module code: SAC6021-B
At the Department of Sociology and Criminology we aim to provide complete programmes enhanced with theoretically informed observations and balanced by research and and experiential learning. With a sound epistemological base, students can form their own ideas about social reality, identify what they want to focus upon and strive towards impact. Skills in professionalism and enterprise cultivated throughout the programme find application in the Work Placement. In this module, students have the opportunity to collaborate with local employers and work towards the completion of set projects. The Work Placement aims to: - Prepare students for the world of work; - Provide opportunities to establish contacts with employers; - Provide experience in seeking employment and effectively negotiating opportunities with employers; - Provide experience in planning and agreeing projects that create social value; - Provide experience of working towards creating social value and capital and evaluating concrete outcomes in collaboration with employers. Download the PDF for SAC6021-B_2024_5.pdf